Guests of the University of Pennsylvania and contracted employees may obtain a PennCard through the sponsorship of a University department.
Spouses/domestic partners and minor (age 1 to 17 years) children of faculty, students, staff, and alumni may also obtain a PennCard.
Important: You must produce a valid Passport or a valid photo ID issued by a U.S. state, territory, or the U.S. Federal Government to receive your first PennCard.
You must bring one of the following to the PennCard office:
- A valid passport.
- A valid photo ID issued by a U.S. state, territory, or the U.S. Federal Government (examples: driver's license, state-issued photo ID card, U.S. military ID)
No other documentation can be accepted other than those above. Unacceptable documents include, but are not limited to:
- Reproductions or photographs of documents;
- Expired or otherwise invalid documents;
- Identification cards issued outside of the United States and its territories;
- International driving licenses;
- Voting registration cards;
- Visas or other immigration documents;
- Photo identification from another educational institution.
The PennCard is University property, and should receive the same care as a credit card or government-issued ID card.
Some Guest categories have modified or additional requirements from those above; please see the relevant section below for more information.
Guests of the University of Pennsylvania may obtain a PennCard through the sponsorship of a University department.
In order to pick up your PennCard, please come to the PennCard center with a valid passport or US government-issued photo ID to the PennCard Center.
Bring a completed PennCard Request Form with the appropriate box checked.
There is a $30 fee for the card. The PennCard center will bill the cardholder’s department as long as the proper 26-digit budget code is entered on the form. If there is no budget code, the cardholder will be responsible for the fee. The fee can be paid by cash, check, or Visa/MasterCard.
Adjunct faculty and Visiting Faculty/Scholars at the University of Pennsylvania are eligible for faculty PennCard, but must be sponsored by a department. Please check with your School or Center regarding sponsorship.
In order to pick up your PennCard, please make an appointment to come to the PennCard Center after you receive confirmation that an electronic PennCard Request Form has been submitted on your behalf or bring a printed PennCard Request Form signed by your department.
On the day of your appointment, please bring a valid form of photo ID (U.S.-government photo ID, passport, past Penncard, etc.) to the PennCard Center.
There is a $30 fee for the card. The PennCard center will bill the cardholder’s department as long as the proper 26-digit budget code is entered on the form. If there is no budget code, the cardholder will be responsible for the fee. The fee can be paid by cash, check, or Visa/Mastercard.
Minor children or minor dependents of University of Pennsylvania students, regular faculty, or staff are eligible for a Child/Dependent PennCard. Please use the following procedure to obtain a Child/Dependent PennCard:
Only minors aged 1 through17 years are eligible. Adult children (18 and up) and infants are not eligible.
Both the PennCard holder and the minor child/dependent must come to the PennCard Center together.
The PennCard holder must bring their valid PennCard and their Child/Dependent must present a valid form of identification.
Bring documentation that shows proof of the minor child/dependent relationship with the PennCard holder. A birth certificate, insurance card, or similar documentation with the names of both the Penn affiliate and minor child/dependent are acceptable
A PennCard will be issued that will expire when the sponsoring PennCard holder's card expires.
There is a $30 charge for the card and this charge may be paid by cash, check, Visa or MasterCard by the cardholder.
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) employees may obtain a PennCard for use at the Library and the University’s recreation services.
- You must first obtain a PennKey. Visit https://www.research.chop.edu/services/chop-pennkey-administration for information on how to obtain one if you do not have one.
- Once you have obtained your PennKey, visit the PennCard Center during during regular business hours.
- Your card is valid for one year.
- There is a $30 fee for the card
Consultants, contractors and contingent workers retained by a University department may obtain a PennCard through sponsorship of that department.
In order to pick up your PennCard, please come to the PennCard Center after you receive confirmation that an electronic PennCard Request Form has been submitted on your behalf or bring a printed PennCard Request Form signed by your department.
Once the form process is complete, please make an appointment to obtain your PennCard. On the day of your appointment, please bring a valid form of photo ID (U.S. government-issued photo ID, passport, past PennCard, etc.) to the PennCard Center.
There is a $30 fee for the card. The PennCard center will bill the cardholder’s department as long as the proper 26-digit budget code is entered on the form. If there is no budget code, the cardholder will be responsible for the fee. The fee can be paid by cash, check, or Visa/MasterCard.
Individuals affiliated with a particular University of Pennsylvania department may obtain a Courtesy Appointment PennCard through the sponsorship of that department.
In order to pick up your PennCard, please come to the PennCard center with a valid passport or US government-issued photo ID to the PennCard center.
Bring a completed PennCard Request Form with the appropriate box checked.
There is a $30 fee for the card. The PennCard center will bill the cardholder’s department as long as the proper 26-digit budget code is entered on the form. If there is no budget code, the cardholder will be responsible for the fee. The fee can be paid by cash, check, or Visa/MasterCard.
Individuals affiliated with the University of Pennsylvania's College House System may obtain a PennCard by permission of the Office of College Houses and Academic Services. Please use the following procedure to obtain your College House Associate PennCard:
Bring a completed PennCard Request Form (this form must be completed by the Office of College Houses and Academic Services), along with a valid, government issued photo I.D. to the PennCard Center.
You will then be issued a PennCard good until the date specified on the PennCard Request Form.
There is a $30 fee and this charge may be paid by the cardholder by cash, check, Visa or Master Card, or the PennCard Center will bill the cardholder's department as long as the proper 26-digit budget code is entered on the PennCard Request Form.
Members of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute are eligible to have a PennCard. Please use the following procedure to obtain your Howard Hughes PennCard:
Bring a completed PennCard Request Form (this form must be completed by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute), along with a valid government issued photo I.D. to the PennCard Center.
You will then be issued a PennCard good until the date specified on the PennCard Request Form (not to exceed 2 years).
There is a $30 fee and this charge may be paid by the cardholder by cash, check, Visa or MasterCard.
NROTC Faculty at the University of Pennsylvania are eligible to have a PennCard. Please use the following procedure to obtain your NROTC Faculty PennCard:
Bring a completed PennCard Request Form (this form must be completed by the NROTC or Naval Science Department), along with a valid, government issued photo I.D. to the PennCard Center.
You will then be issued a PennCard good until the date specified on the PennCard Request Form (not to exceed 1 year).
There is a $30 fee for the card and this charge may be paid by the cardholder by cash, check, Visa or Master Card, or the PennCard Center will bill the cardholder's department as long as the proper 26-digit budget code is entered on the PennCard Request Form.
Senior Associates officially enrolled and registered in a course may obtain a PennCard free of charge by visiting the PennCard Center and presenting a valid, government issued photo I.D. If you are not officially enrolled in a course, you must contact the College of Liberal & Professional Studies in order to obtain a PennCard. See Senior Auditors for more information about the program.
Spouses or partners of University of Pennsylvania students, regular faculty, staff, and alumni are eligible for a Spouse/Partner PennCard. Please review the Spouse/Partner Policy below. If you do not have any documentation (see third bullet point below) fill out the Partner Affidavit Form:
Both the PennCard holder and the spouse or partner must come to the PennCard Center.
The PennCard holder must bring their valid PennCard and their spouse/partner must bring a valid government issued photo I.D.
Bring documentation that shows proof of marriage or partnership. Acceptable documentation (which must show the same last names or both last names) includes a marriage certificate, a shared lease, a shared bank or credit account or a passport coded for partner or spouse (J2 or F2).
A PennCard will be issued that will expire when the sponsoring PennCard holder's card expires.
There is a $30 charge for the card and this charge may be paid by cash, check, Visa or MasterCard by the cardholder.
Students visiting the University of Pennsylvania may obtain a PennCard through the sponsorship of the University department.
In order to pick up your PennCard, please come to the PennCard center with a valid passport or US government-issued photo ID to the PennCard center.
Bring a completed PennCard Request Form with the appropriate box checked.
There is a $30 fee for the card. The PennCard center will bill the cardholder’s department as long as the proper 26-digit budget code is entered on the form. If there is no budget code, the cardholder will be responsible for the fee. The fee can be paid by cash, check, or Visa/MasterCard.
Associates of the Wistar Institute are eligible to have a PennCard. Please use the following procedure to obtain your Wistar Staff PennCard:
Contact Wistar Human Resources department to confirm your eligibility for a PennCard.
Once they have confirmed your eligibility, a PennCard Request Form will be issued on your behalf by Wistar Human Resources. When this happens, stop by the PennCard Center to obtain your PennCard.
It can take up to two (2) hours for building access privileges to become available again after receiving a new PennCard. This applies for most campus buildings.
If you previously had access to Perelman School of Medicine buildings and recently received a new or renewed PennCard, you must contact PSOM Security to have your access restored. Visit 109 Stellar-Chance Laboratories or call 215.898.0196. You must contact this office to renew your access each time you receive a new PennCard.